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;;+27670236199 (KUWAIT,QATAR)BRACK MAGIC EXPERT, HOW TO BRING BACK YOUR LOVER/EX``` AND FINANCIAL PROBLEMS, SAME DAY GUARANTEE ,Lodon,Kuwait New Castle, Namibia, Botswana, Mozambique,South Africa, Zambia,Swaziland,Madagascar,Zimbabwe,Le sotho,Uganda,Limpo¬po,JORDAN, Turkey, Belgium, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Malaysia,a Johannesburg, Lebanon,Berhrain USA, California, Dallas, England, German, Spain, Jamaica, Brazil, Germany, Austria, Vancouver, Denmark, Hong Kong, China ,, Pretoria, Durban, Australia, Wales, France, Cairo GHANA, Namibia, Botswana, China, Norway, Sweden, Capet own, Tanzania, Northern Cape, New York, Limpopo, London, Venezuela, Chile, Sweden , Denmark, Rwanda, Oman, Qatar, Dubai, Poland, Canada,
.Ancestral And Astrological Specialist For all problems troubling the African lineage I have got specialty in Healing CAPTURING AND DESTROYING EVIL OR NEGATIVE POWERS. BRING BACK YOUR LOST LOVE OR SOULMATE SAME DAY WINNING AND DESTROYING ALL COURT CASES QUICK EMPLOYMENT (JOB) BUSINESS BOOSTING AND CUSTOMER ATRACTIONS QUICK MARRIAGE OR RELATIONSHIP * DIVORCE STOPPING OR AVOIDING RESOLVE FAMILY FIGHTS OR MISSUNDERSTANDINGSAfricans with the stated problemsPeople who have lost friendsPeople who need luckPeople who need business boostPeople who need korobela People who need success in their lifePeople who need ancestral and astral guidancePeople with trouble in familyPeople leaving unhealthy lives People with bad dreams People who need physical wellnessPeople who need spiritual guidance * NB. * Uses * 100% * traditional and spiritual guidance (AFRICAN)BRINGING AFRICA BACK TO THE ROOTS YOU CAN CONTACT DR ON OR YOU CAN SO CONNECT WITH DR JOHN GAVA ON+27670236199 I AM A TRUSTED AND RELIABLE DEDICATED AFRICAN TRADITIONAL HEALER AND TRUE SPELL CASTER. GIFTED AND QUALIFIED HERBAL * * EXPERT. * Ancestral And Astrological SpecialistFor all problems troubling the African lineage* I’ve got specialty in Healing * * CAPTURING AND DESTROYING EVIL OR * NEGATIVE POWERS * * * BRING BACK YOUR * * LOST LOVE OR * ** SOULMATE SAME DAY * * * WINNING AND * ** DESTROYING ALL COURT CASES * * QUICK EMPLOYMENT * (* JOB *)* * BUSINESS BOOSTING AND CUSTOMER * ** ATRACTIONS * * QUICK MARRIAGE OR RELATIONSHIP * * * DIVORCE STOPPING OR AVOIDING ** * * RESOLVE FAMILY FIGHTS OR MISSUNDERSTANDINGS ** * Africans with the stated problemsPeople who have lost friendsPeople who need luckPeople who need business boostPeople who need korobela People who need success in their lifePeople who need ancestral and astral guidance* NB. * Uses * 100% * traditional and spiritual guidance (AFRICAN)BRINGING AFRICA BACK TO THE ROOTS
Call or watsupp dr john gava +27670236199
Email :

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Anunciante: john
Tfnos: +27715451704 - +27715451704

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